Working Groups
- Acupuncture in Psychiatry
- Addiction disorders/research
- Cannabis
- Cell Signalling
- Circadian Biology
- Center for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Munich-Augsburg (CNBS-MA)
- Clinical Psychology and Psychophysiology
- Eating disorders
- Epidemiology and Evaluation
- Epigenetics
- Global Mental Health
- Mental Health and Infectious Diseases
- Mental Health in Older Adults
- Metabolism in Psychiatry (MiP)
- Molecular and Behavioural Neurobiology
- Neurobiology of Psychoses
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Precision Psychiatry
- Neurophysiology
- Predictive Psychiatry
- Psychiatric Genetics – IPPG
- Psychotherapy Research
- Social Science in Psychiatry
- Sports Psychiatry
- Tobacco Dependence